An only child, I am fortunate to have been born under the sign of Gemini. I am thus able to indulge in two things that give me pleasure and nurture my creativity.

PAPER MAKING. It started with a child’s paper making kit that was on sale after Christmas. Then, while working in a library, a beautiful book on paper making arrived on the shelves. So I began experimenting at home. I am mainly self-taught but have managed to take a few courses at Ottawa Art School and at the Paper House Studio in Toronto.

I make no attempt to compete with Japanese or manufactured paper, unique and beautiful as they are. Instead I aim to make eco-friendly paper, using recycled computer paper and plant fibre. Usually leek, beets, onion, hosta, corn – whatever grows outside. Although this paper tends to be softer than commercial paper, I am able to use it for making books and cards as well as printing. I learned the basics of bookbinding at the Canadian Bookbinding and Book Arts Guild in Toronto where I still take courses from time to time and learn other interesting techniques.            

WRITING.  As a child in England I remember the radio program, ‘Listen with Mother’. I can still hear the announcer’s voice as she/he says, “Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin…” I was hooked. Every day we were told a story. Soon I was writing my own stories and creating little books. I am still a ceaseless radio listener, love being read to, and continue to be enthralled by stories. I do read but, being dyslexic, am not able to consume as many books, tales, narratives or adventures as I would like. 

As far back as I can remember, I have belonged to various writing groups, taken correspondence courses and attended workshops. I have also completed the Certificate in Creative Writing at the University of Toronto. Over the years I have won or been placed in a few local short story competitions which is always thrilling. While working as a volunteer on the editorial board of a local newspaper, I was able to to experience a different aspect of writing, penning a few editorials and articles.