September 2020

Over the centuries, paper has been made from many things; papyrus, parchment, tree bark, then later, from hemp, linen or flax. Today we use woodchip which gives us that uniform look and feel to paper. We buy it in a block and don’t think twice about it.

The paper I make is from recycled computer paper and plant fibre.  Being concerned about the environment and consumer waste, I use what is around me. The plant fibre is everyday vegetables such as leeks, beets and onion. From the garden I use hosta and apple blossom and am always on the lookout for other possibilities. Some things work, some don’t. 

The plant fibre is boiled for a couple of hours in washing soda, then washed, and mixed with pulped-down computer paper. This does produce a softer paper from which I make books and cards and others have used for letterpress and nature printing.

Is my paper archival? I do not test it. When people, including me, stop driving and flying, I will make sure my paper is archival.

Presently I sell my paper at Ontario paper-arts fairs such as Wayzgoose (Grimsby) and the Artspace Book & Zine Fest (Peterborough) and am currently working on setting up an on-line store.